Torellian Invader (1.6" upscale)

From Danno's Rocket Wiki
Revision as of 09:49, 7 May 2023 by Danno (talk | contribs)

This is a placeholder page for a future project, to build a 1.6" diameter upscaled Torellian Invader out of an Estes Super Neon XL kit.

  • The nose cone and canopy will need to be 3D-printed, but I can re-use those designs when I do a bigger upscale.
  • Thinking about papering the fins (see here and here).

UPDATE 5/7/2023: I just found that StickerShock23 makes a vinyl graphics set for the Torellian Invader! I just ordered graphics for the 1.6" rocket.


  • Measure Super Neon XL parts
  • Measure Torellian Invader parts, including all fin shapes
  • Design & print templates for 1.6 upscale fins
  • Cut fins from plywood
  • Design nose cone [DONE]
  • Design canopy
  • Print nose cone [PRINTING NOW]
  • Print canopy
  • Design & print fin alignment jig
  • Assemble motor mount
  • Assemble tube fins
  • Assemble wood fins
  • Paint airframe
  • Paint nose cone & canopy (maybe)
  • Glue canopy to airframe
  • Apply vinyl