Torellian Invader (1.6" upscale)

From Danno's Rocket Wiki
Revision as of 09:59, 12 June 2023 by Danno (talk | contribs)

This is a project to build a 1.6" diameter upscale of my Torellian Invader out of an Estes Super Neon XL kit.

  • The nose cone and canopy will need to be 3D-printed, but I can re-use those designs when I do a bigger upscale.
  • Thinking about papering the fins (see here and here). (SKIPPED - I made the fins from 1/8" basswood so they don't need papering)

UPDATE 5/7/2023: I just found that StickerShock23 makes a vinyl graphics set for the Torellian Invader! I just ordered graphics for the 1.6" rocket.

UPDATE 6/12/2023: Airframe assembly is complete except for the canopy. All fins are on the rocket as well as the launch lug. Nose cone is painted and the first two stickers are on. I found that the symbol for the top of the nose cone was not included in the StickerShock sheet, so I am going to contact them to see if they can make me one. I am aiming to fly this at the SLRA summer solstice night launch in two weeks.


  • Glue canopy to airframe
  • Fillet fins (partially done)
  • Paint airframe
  • Apply remaining vinyl
  • Mount shock cord and rig parachute